
Rosinha Here…just to tell you…

Well this is my first post ever… so I would appreciate your support… let me know what you would like me to write about! Karine is busy off doing her stuff so she asked me to step in for one post (essa parte é mentira , ele estava morrrrrendo pra fazer isso faz teeeempo). As Ireland is full of talented musicians and bands I thought I would start with that.

The Script are a really talented young Dublin band who deserve all the recognition they can get. They are a trio Danny-vocals, Mark-Guitar and Glen-Drums. They have released a new single, (For the first time) the first off their second album, Science & Faith. Check it out on You Tube – Official Video. They play alternative rock type music, but what I like about them are the lyrics to their songs. They capture the mood of the moment, particularly in this current climate when a lot of people are struggling to live.

In a time of mass marketed singers and bands who are produced by the same lame producers…. yes, not a fan of Simon Cowell or any factor be it X or not!!!!! Its great to see genuinely talented musicians getting a record deal and doing well. 

I tried to post here but Youtube didn’t cooperate so, to watch the video, just click here .

Let me know what you think of them ?….

Number one fan of Ká.Entre.Nós 🙂

Pessoas, Rosinha está se achando porque deixei ele escrever  !
Vou ficar é mal acostumada, adorei ter um funcionário aqui no blog, chique, néam? (sempre quis ter um pra chamar de “meu” – Já o salário eu pago como quiser).

Portanto faça um estreiante feliz…quem sabe ele não se empolga e escreve um post toda a semana ?

Para quem não lê em inglês , ele fala sobre uma banda irlandesa chamada The Script , que a gente adora, para ver o vídeo dos meninos é só clicar no link acima (onde está escrito “here”) e depois voltar aqui pra dizer o que achou mesmo que em português, certo?




  1. @julianamartins

    So… tell "Rosinha" I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this band! They are realy god and some rock and alternative music mix! Seems like U2 to me, I don't know if everybody thought the same… so… this is it! hahahahahaha *tomara que minha tentativa de ingles tenha sido boa 😛 beijos karine!!

  2. Hello Rosinha!
    I really like The Script. I'm not a fan but when I was living there I always listen in the radio 🙂 My surprise was, yesterday I saw the newest videoclipe on Viva (german music tv channel) and I was sooo happy to watch them 😀
    Their musics remembers me a lot of Dublin night life… and my single times there hohoho (suuush!)

    xx, Brónagh 😛

  3. Hi,

    It´s really cool! I didn't know this band, and I enjoy a lot Irish accent! I'll wait for more music tips!



  4. Thanks a lot for the tip, Rosinha (kkkkk) The video is pretty good!

  5. Hey! i don't know why but this link doesn't works for me… 🙁
    but anyway i will check on youtube!
    Thanks and If you got any more tips, please keep sharing them with us!

  6. Olá karen&Rosinha
    Aqui em Portugal não dá para ver o video.
    Vou procurar no youtube normal.

    Acho que o Rosinha pode continuar a divulgar música, elabora uma crónica periódica:)


  7. Hey, Rosinha, your link isn't working…
    But I've listened a couple of songs on youtube and they're great! Going to my top list now!
    Loved your suggestion, and ask Karine to give us more tips here 🙂

  8. Hey Rosinha…Very well done!!!
    Those guys are lovely…and this song are great, simple, bt at the same time special with all this words….
    hope to see you here more often…hehehehe
    sorry ká….
    te cuida se ele domina o blog hein!!! hahahaha
    bjoks….e congrats pelas lindas fotos do casório…

  9. Ahahah, a post of Rosinha!!
    Pretty cool, i think from now you will control Karine's blog ;-P
    However, i loved the sound of The Scrit. Very nice choice for your firts post, and i really hope from now Karine will have a special post of you each week. Ehehe 🙂

    Kiss you guys.

  10. When I first saw the title of the post, I thought Karine was just joking pretending that Rosinha would write here…

    But that is true!! I find it a fantastic idea.

    Well, I saw The Script when they opened U2 gig in Croke Park. They are really good.

    I have a suggestion for your next post. What is Karine's nickname?? How do you call her?? hehehe

    Keep blogging family!!!

  11. the link is not working anymore. but i searched them on youtube and i loved their music! how haven't i heard of them before?! thanks for the tip. 😀


    o link não está mais funcionando.. parece q tiraram o video do ar. mas eu procurei por eles no youtube e adorei o som! como q eu nunca tinha escutado antes?! valeu pela dica. 😀

  12. Meninas, obrigada pelos comentários, vocês não sabem como a pessoa está feliz…já está inclusive planejando o próximo post e respondendo a pergunta da Jú, mas ó, esse é um blog de família e eu sou A censura, democracia aqui não funciona, ainda reino absoluta no Ká.Entre.Nós! (ciúme mode super on)

    P.s.: Amanhã a primeira coisa que ele vai fazer é entrar pra ver os comentários! hahahaha tadinho…

  13. Ká adorei ….ver o Rosinha escrever….quem sabe ele não faz um blog tb???? bjs

  14. Cumpadi! loved the post 😉
    I also really like them, their lyrics are so beautiful!
    I ran into Danny at the airport a few months ago and surely thought, why not say hi?!He was so nice and friendly! Wish I had asked for a picture, but it was too early in the morning and even though we chatted a bit, I was too shy to ask! 😉
    Looking forward to your next post!!

  15. Heya Rosinha! Finally we're gonna hear about this family from a man's point of view. You're more than welcome!

    As for the band, I learned to respect The Scritp when they opened for U2 this year at Croke Park. Danny was so happy to play for such a crowd, he cried and said "Thanks U2 so feck'n much!" He seems to be quite humble… I like that…

  16. Hi ya, Ká´s lil pink man haha. I thought ur more likely to enjoy the dubliners instead The Script.My husband is Irish as well, but he´s a strawberry haha he would put up wiv 1 or 2 songs by the script. He ´d rather listen to The Frames tho. They are also deadly. Anyways nice to read your post. Keep up wiv the good job, working 4 the blog and spoiling Ká cuz she deserves!!

    all the best!

  17. Hello "little pink" welcome to the blog =) we are your fan's also.

  18. Thanks to all of you for your feedback and words of encouragement!!! Glad you like

    The Music tips…. I’ll have to talk to my boss about getting a more permanent post

    On KaEntre.Nos… if its anything like her quality control on the photographs I take I will have

    To write many drafts before I get published again…hahaha Obrigado!!!!!!!!

  19. Daniel loves this band, he told everyone in Brasil about them when we were there…!
    Well done Eamon, you can ask Ka for a raise!

  20. Ka, que legal ver o apoio do seu marido aqui. Adorei a novidade! 🙂

    Rosinha, this is really a nice band.

    Oh, and I have to say that you two make a beautiful couple! Congrats 🙂

  21. I am at work right now but I will definately check them out on youtube later. I am a HUGE fan of a few Irish artists (U2, Cranberries, Enya)so one more awesome Irish band to be a fan wouldn't hurt!

    I hope one day I get to visit your country, I always wanted to and after following the Blog I am even more interested!


    Samara – Ohio

  22. Hello Rosinha,
    It's nice to read your first post on Ka's blog. I don't know this band yet, but I will have a look on Youtube.

  23. Rosinha,
    Congrats on your first post!
    The Script is always on my playlist and nothing reminds me more of Dublin than them.
    Take care,

  24. Rosinha,
    Congrats on your first post!
    The Script is always on my playlist and nothing reminds me more of Dublin than them.
    Take care,

  25. I must confess: I didn´t know this band and I had to search for something on You Tube…
    Not bad but not my favorite. I´ll try with another music and maybe come in the Irish spirit…

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