I am just happy to be around them and they make me so happy just by being there.
Since Chloe came into our lives, everything changed.
This year, I find myself learning more from her and Breno than from my books or any other source of information .
Here are some of the things I learned:
1- Once you’re down, there are literally a lot of ways to get up again.
2-You cannot have enough hugs in your life
3-Talk is not really necessary. Many times, words just get in your way
4-If you really like something, doing it a million times will not make you bored. You can play with your daddy’s watch, or with your mom’s necklace , with the same level of happiness as the first time
5-If you truly and really honestly want something badly enough, no matter how many obstacles are in the way or interjections from the parents and you are reasonably loud about letting the world know, well, you eventually you’ll get it… and I will always be there to see it!
P.s.: Daddy learned with you both that No matter how impossible or high an obstacle seems, if you approach it with belief, enthusiasm and one step at a time, you will reach the top!
Me and Dad can’t Wait to see what we will learn next .
Happy Birthday My Princess!!!
1-Uma vez que você cai, existem milhões de maneiras de se levantar.
2-Abraços nunca são demais.
3-Falar as vezes não é necessário.
4-Se você realmente gosta de alguma coisa, não importa quantas vezes você o faça, brincar com o relógio do papai ou com o cordão da mamãe é sempre interessante como da primeira vez.
Happy birthday to your little princess. =D
Happy Birthday, Chloe!!
Awww, happy bday to chloe!
I love your blog..thanks for following mine too!!
Happy birthday Chloe!!!
God bless you and your beautiful family always.
thank you for follow me, here I follow you too,
your blog very nice, Thank you for sharing,.
" Happy Birthday!!"
Happy Birthday to Chloe!
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
She is so cute! Happy birthday to Chloe.
Coisa mais amada! Da varios beijinhos nela por mim! Pena q nao poderei comparecer 🙁 Beijao
Parabéns! 🙂
Parabéns a Chloe…muitas bençãos de Deus para a nossa pequena!!!!!!!muitos beijos e abraços…para o meu rapaz tb… Enfim para toda a família incluindo os avós daí, que são sempre muito importantes na vida dos pequenos.bjs
following from FFF on MBC 🙂
awww, 1st birthdays are so special!! happy birthday! love ur blog!! Hope to see u at my blog soon!
Happy Birthday to your baby girl!
I'm following from the Google Friend Club on Mom Bloggers! Love for you to come visit and follow me!
Shelley @ Shelley's Swag
Happy Birthday 🙂
Following you back (MBC, FFF)
Happy b-day Chloe! Ka, parabéns pelo blog, ele é ótimo, amei, achei-o através de uma amiga. Tbm sou futura mamãe, morando no exterior.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR LITTLE GIRL!!! I loved reading about the joy she has brought into your life through what you've "learned."
I found you through MBC and am now following.
Follow back at http://jotgiveaways.blogspot.com
Thanks for the follow! I'm following you back! 😉
Hey there…stopping by from MBC FFF… to let you know I've given you an award to you, check it out here…
Hope your week is great!
Que coisa mais nhonhoe, gente!
Feliz Aniversário pra princesa Chloe e para os pais tb q estão fazendo mais um ano de aprendizagem! lol
Parabéns atrasados pra Chloé!! Muita saúde! Beijos, Liana
I found your nice family blog on Friday Follow. I’m following you now on Google Friends Connect, and would appreciate a follow-back. My blog is on inspirational themes like family, faith and kindness.
New Friday follower! Cute blog! Would love a follow back if you are able!
happy birthday to your chloe.. iam just blog walking and find your site..so many things we can learn through innocent children..you must be a very happy mom..do visit mine too., have a nice day- are you portugese? great,may be you can comment in your language +english 🙂 would be fun